Category: Documentary

  • Frozen To Death on The Moors : Darwen Boys Tragedy of 1917

    Frozen To Death on The Moors : Darwen Boys Tragedy of 1917


    In this story, we visit Darwen Old Cemetery and re-tell the tragic case of 18-year-old, William Cooper Longton, 16-year-old Ralph …

  • The Beast of Green Drive, Lytham .. A True Tale!

    The Beast of Green Drive, Lytham .. A True Tale!


    It was during May, 2005, when over twenty residents of Lytham began reporting strange sightings in a place known locally as ‘Green Drive’. Each witness pretty much told the same story. A ‘beast’ that looked as big as a collie. It had disproportionately large ears and a wide open mouth.…