Many thanks to everyone who participated in our recent giveaway. We have our winner and if that person can contact us via any of the links below, we will sort out delivery of your prize.
Please contact us using any of the following :
Website :
Twitter :
Instagram :
PLEASE don’t put any personal information in the comments section! No address or anything that could potentially be used by scammers etc.
You can also email us through Youtube by going to our main page and clicking on the ‘links’ and scrolling down until you find the EMAIL option (we wont be placing that email address here as it will get picked up by robots scanning Youtube which in turn sends us unsolicated emails!)
Congratulations to the winner!
Also, a HUGE thank-you to each and every subscriber to our channel. YOU make this community special and we really do appreciate it. Without your support and your interactions, I highly doubt it would be the place it is now, so many many thanks to each and everyone.