
In this video, I’m showing three ghost hunting pieces of equipment that we have built ourselves. All three use Arduino UNO boards, along with other add-ons such as the TEA5767 FM radio module and a display shield.

If anyone wants the code for any or all these projects, please visit our website at and use the contact form. That way I can send it directly rather than the comments section below being spammed.

I should re-iterate that all of these projects are prototypes and not the finished versions, although I may still use them as they are during our upcoming ghost hunt. I want to try and improve they look of them, but thats dependant on time etc.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video and it may give you some ideas on how to create your own ghost hunting equipment.

DISCLAIMER : Whilst we have built these devices to help us when we go ghost hunting, they are not scientifically proven to work! They are just an aid to help instigate paranormal activity (if such a thing does exist).

Items used for these builds include :

ELEGOO UNO R3 Board for Arduino with USB Cable
LCD1602 Expansion Board Module Display
Coffins Shaped Boxes (from Amazon)
Music Box Movement, 18 Note Battery Powered for Elise Electric Music Box
IR Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Module
Active Low Level Trigger Buzzer Alarm Module
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor HCSR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
TEA5767 FM Stereo Radio Module for 76-108MHZ
Mobile Power Banks.
Wires and leads
Arduino Software to program the boards

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