The Downfall of John Usher (1905) | Haslingden | Cricket | Local History


#Haslingden #LocalHistory #Cricket

Alfred Parker was a man of routine and on the morning of Wednesday, 9th August 1905 he would begin the day as he always did. Up early, washed, made a relatiAlfred Parker was a man of routine and on the morning of Wednesday, 9th August 1905 he would begin the day as he always did. Up early, washed, made a relatively small breakfast and after saying his goodbyes to his wife, he would set off to work at nearby Carr and Parkers Mill where he was employed as a warehouseman.

Leaving the main road that fed off from Peel Street at nearby Deardengate, Haslingden, he would make his way down Charles Lane, passing South Shore Street in the process. In the distance, smoke billowed from the long chimneys that adorned mills that included Hutch Bank, Plantation, Flash and Grane Road. Many faces would be familiar to Alfred and he would swap pleasantries in passing as he slowly made his way down the lane.

Now, there where two ways into Carr and Parkers Mill, and often Alfred would cut through a little snicket of sorts that fed off Charles Lane and around the back entrance of the mill. But on the 9th August, he would carry on down the lane and head towards the main entrance that was situated close to Waterside Road.

Upon reaching the mill, Alfred made his way into the yard and on the right hand side there was one of two small lodges, commonly known as Parkers Lodge. Noticing something lying on the bank, he made his way over to which he found a waistcoat which had been placed on a pile of stones.

At first, Alfred thought the waistcoat may have belonged to a family relative as they lived close to where he worked and he would often meet them at the same lodge, but after giving a quick looking over he soon realized it was too big for any of them to own. Perhaps it belonged to a neighbour was his next thought, so, with time to spare, he headed off to his mother’s house which was close by. Leaving the waistcoat with her, he then made his way back into work and when breakfast time came around, and still curious as to the find, he went back to his mothers to take another look at the waistcoat.

Rummaging through the pockets, he quickly came across a small photo which showed the image of a man, a woman and seven children. It was a family photo and the man in the photo, Alfred Parker knew only too well.

Find out even more on this story over at

Many thanks to Dave and Louise for allowing me the opportunity to video their house for use in this story.

Also the same thanks goes to Haslingden CC for allowing me onto their premises to record some footage, again, used in this story.



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